Parra M*A*S*H Wed pics 14/12

Really sorry Steve I cut half you out. Better luck next time. Would have been a great shot.

The Kelvinator ‘up to his tricks again’

Awesome speed effect Steve.



Just had to throw this one in Greg. Love that board in mid-air.


Danny Van

Putting on the tiles.


Great pics as usual Bill! And the tiles! Bahahahahahahah! Great work fellers!

And I like the way they sprayed the matching “Bill Fonseca © 2005” in the bowl in the same colour!

Noice Bill - I’m no expert but I reckon your pics are getting better and better.

What no photo of me bill? I was there too you know,and danny van doing frontside rocks has the world gone mad? :laughing:

Dont complain Boris. I’d probly get more pics too but only if I did something worth taking. Which in my case is very rare. :smiley:

Spunky tiles dudes.

Spewin’ I missed another MASHsesh. My right heel is still stuffed from last Weds skate. 8 days later & still can’t put any weight on it. Muchos pissedos offos. The photos keep me hungry though…cheers Bill.

Gimme a call next time you’re heading to Parra from home please Scott.

Yeh Boris!

Flying boards! the world has gone mad.

Not to mention Pat ripping that night.