SkOoT - I HaVe YoUr 8 wHeELr


LiSteN CaReFuLLy iF YoU WaNt To sEe YoUr OcTo aLiVe aGAiN.

Be aT DuLwIcH hILL sKaTePaRk 8:00 Am SuNdAy.

BrIng UnMaRkEd BlUe 8 WhEeLeR FoR ExChaNgE.

Do NoT cOmE aLoNe.

FAiL To FoLLoW InStRuTiOnS AnD ThE ClEaR 8 DiEs. … sit031.jpg[/img]

DaMn It

MoThEr F*CkEr!


Biggest laugh I had today…fantastic!

Did your wife take the photo???
She must worry about you, and me for that matter.

OMG. I think I left your blue octo in the hotel. Cant seem to find it! :confused:

Ah ha ha ha ha ha. Just kidding. Love your work skatexec. You evil man.

I’ve got a roaded set of cowskulls if you need em skoot.

SwEeT OcTo TiMe!!!




skatexec hahahaha

Walk that board man!!!

Walked the 8 wheeler at Maroubra at lunch time and am starting to get use to it. After loosening the trucks 8) It started to be more rideable. Kinda weird but a succesfull and injury free first ride. More than enough fun to continue.