Ted Terrebonne!

Legendary Skateboarder photographer Ted Terrebonne has graciously allowed the use of his work on the main page of this site.
Please view (you can also buy) his work at

Ripping photos from back in the day (with a few repeated shots) check it out!!!

Thanks Charlie for featuring my work on you home page. I find it funny that I’m basically the only really Old School Photograher that makes his published work accessible to anyone on the Internet. What do the rest of you think about that?

Well got to run and thanks again.

Ted Terrebonne

T Bone Photo - Skate & Music

I’m just glad you let your fine work out to the internetting public TBone!

Many Thanks!

As for the others, I dunno - maybe they think they are losing income or something…

No problem Ted, THANK YOU!

We got a legend skate photographer here in OZ also willing to spread the love…Dave Pang.

T Bone, I like your attitude to your work. Real creative people like yourself just want people to see your artform. Im the same with my music. I have an albums worth of songs free to download on my website. Just so people can have a hassle free listen to it if they want. If you do it because you want to it’ll always be worth looking at.
To create is to live.