Sydney Easter skate plan

Yes wonderful news about young Phoebe - the missus and I met her just yesterday and she is looking just fine!

As for my missus, give it 8-9 weeks if all goes to plan.

Now where’s that “Dads with pads” sticker.

great photo Mosu, although I think that your t-shirt might be a bit prophetic!

Yeah Skatexec, we’re up a few weeks after BondiBoy… Looks like a new bowl generation coming through…

The crew sessions might resemble a day care centre from now on :confused:

I think I’ve still got a ‘pen’ at home you can put littluns in to stop em wandering off.

Can anyone help with the ‘Dad’s with pads’ stickers? I’d like one or two 8) - three if you’re allowed one per kid!